Subj : Dems in NH
To   : aaron thomas
From : Lee Lofaso
Date : Fri Feb 14 2020 11:24 pm

Hello Aaron,

>Obama was raised white.

Not really.  His biological father was black, but split with his
mother when he was barely two.  His step-father was Asian, and raised
him in Indonesia, but split with his mother when he was eleven.  Then
he was raised in Hawaii by his grandparents, both of whom were white
beinf from his mother's side.  Then his mother died, he finished
high school, and moved to California to begin his studies in higher

When asked about his race, Barack described himself as a black man.
Not a white man or a yellow man or a brown man or anything but a black
man.  Nothing mixed about it.  He also proved he was definitely born
in Hawaii, not Kenya.

>Being half and half was an exploitation device for him.

We are all mutts, in a manner of speaking.  But we look at ourselves
as being members of a particular community, usually categorized by
race.  Every ten years, US citizens are asked to describe themselves
by checking off a box as to what race they are.  Please check off one
box, not all that may apply.  See how that works?

Funny thing about the census.  It is not very accurate.  Hispanics
have to choose between two boxes.  Hispanics that are white, and
Hispanics that are non-white.  This is insane, as Hispanics do not
identify themselves by race, but by language.  The same can be said
about Cajuns.  But Cajuns do not have to make that choice.

The only races that matter in the US are white, black, and other.
By other means Native American, which do not really count at all.

>There's no such thing as "understanding black people." Thanks for
>reminding us how racist he is.

We are all racists and bigots.  Each and every one of us.
What we do to overcome our own racism and bigotry is up to us.
Both as individuals and a society.

George Wallace never considered himself as being a racist.  He claimed
he never said the "N" word in public.  What he said in private may be
something entirely different, but he knew what he was saying - both
in public and in private.

>LL>Black folks should be rewarded for everything they have done for LL>this
> country.  From the moment they arrived on our shores.
>It's too late to reward slaves for their hard work.

Most of our early presidents owned slaves.  Abraham Lincoln was an
abolitionist twenty years before he became president, but even as
president he never got rid of slavery.  Even today slavery remains
legal in the US in the form of prison labor.  Truly sick.

>I've got bad news for you, and I hope you're sitting down for this. These
> hard workers have passed. Many of them due to old age. I also regret to
> inform you that you've missed their funerals.

All the more reason to build a memorial for slaves.  With so many
different memorials in Washington, DC a memorial for slaves would be
most appropriate.

>If you want to honor them now, and I'm totally with you on this, we could
> restore their grave sites with some updated tombstones & high-quality
> landscaping.

Everybody deserves a marker.  But do you realize what is being
done for the homeless who die in America?  Their bodies are cremated,
and then their ashes scattered to the wind.  And then a bill to their
next of kin, if any kin can be found.

What do you think a slave's master gave him/her once that slave
was dead?  Remember, slaves were property, not even considered as
being human.  Do you think they got a marker?  Maybe their owner
just fed them to the dogs, not even bothering with a burial at all.

We kidnapped humans, against their will, and kept them in bondage,
without any rights.  We bought and sold them, like merchandise.
And then discarded them, like batteries that had no more juice.

The so-called "underground railroad" was a joke.  Slaves would
flee to the north, and then would be re-captured to be resold to
others in the south.  Talk about a scam.

>Or, if you want to hand out free money to everyone with black skin, then I
> can foresee the good in that too;

Everything ought to be free.  And not just for black folks.
Do you feel the Bern?  Medicare for All, not just for some.
Gotta Bern a hole in everybody's pocket in order to be free.

>the USA will overcrowd with black people seeking money-for-nuthin.

A free lunch is all black people ask.
Watermelon and chitlins, anyone?

>Africa will probably lose 90% of its inhabitants,

Due to ebola or some other disease being a very real possibility.

>but I bet I'll sell my house for about 4x the price I paid for it.

Oh, we will have another financial crash long before that happens.
In which case your house will sell for far less than whatever you
paid for it.

>Then I can move to Sudan, or the Congo, where the government is less
> oppressive towards ethnic groups.

A white guy in Sudan?
Or the Congo?
A white Christian guy?
Must be suicidal ...


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