Subj : Re: Your tax dollars at
To   : Aaron Thomas
From : Dale Shipp
Date : Sun Dec 29 2019 12:35 am

 -=> On 12-28-19  11:36,  Aaron Thomas <=-
 -=> spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Your tax dollars at <=-

 DS> DUH -- and we gave their money back to them as part of their agreeing to
 DS> stop developing nuclear weapons.  And it *WAS* a pretty good incentive,

 AT> Maybe you're right about this - and maybe the rest of the world
 AT> including me is very uninformed about this subject - but what are you
 AT> talking about? 
 AT> I can't find any news article that explains how the USA possessed 1.7
 AT> billion dollars of Iranian money. How did Iran let that happen? The
 AT> country that they wish death to was holding 1.7 billion dollars of
 AT> their money? And like superheroes, Obama & Kerry gave that money back
 AT> to its rightful owner? 
 AT> The way I remember the scandal was that we were paying Iran, with our
 AT> own 1.7 billion dollars, to denuclearize. Does the National Enquirer
 AT> say something different? How do we pay Iran, with their own money, to
 AT> denuclearize? 

The National Enquirer is a tabloid rag that rarely publishes any real
news of value.

Here is an excerpt from a snoops article that explains what happened:

<<previous part of the article talking about the debunked conspiracy
theory that the money was paid to release some American hostages>>
However, the $400 million dollar transfer was actually an openly
announced one, paid in settlement of a nearly 40-year dispute between