Subj : Re: Your tax dollars at
To   : Tim Richardson
From : Dale Shipp
Date : Sat Dec 28 2019 12:55 am

 -=> On 12-27-19  09:12,  Tim Richardson <=-
 -=> spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Your tax dollars at <=-

 DS>Why is it a good thing to allow Iran to start building nuclear weapons?
 DS>And that was not American dollars.  It was Iranian dollars being
 DS>returned to them.  But you knew all of that.

 TR> Are you forgetting the US embassy hostage thing? And the terrorism the
 TR> islamic pig eaters have fomented since?

I never forget things like that.  But it has nothing to do with the
current discussion.

 TR> Not to mention the money held
 TR> in OUR possession was (or `would' have been) a pretty good incentive
 TR> for them to quit trying to come up with a nuclear weapon.

DUH -- and we gave their money back to them as part of their agreeing to
stop developing nuclear weapons.  And it *WAS* a pretty good incentive,
and one which Trump broke.

 TR> But Hussein gave away an incentive we held them to by giving up any
 TR> advantage we had over them.

NOPE -- he used it to gain an advantage.

 TR> Now the ragheads are doing naval maneuvers with the Ruski's and the
 TR> red Chinese; both of whom are now in the middle east area with some of
 TR> their most powerful naval vessels; not to mention Iran's navy (all
 TR> three speed boats). 

Which is in large part because of Trump breaking the deal.  So now they
are developing nuclear weapons and becoming much more belligerent
because of Trump's treatment of them.

 TR> There is no words to describe how badly democrats suck! When they
 TR> aren't ginning up false charges they're bending over backwards to
 TR> destroy the country!

You are in complete denial and reversal in your statement above.  The
charges are not false, and it is Trump who is destroying the country.

                               Dale Shipp
                  fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

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