Subj : Inspector General
To   : aaron thomas
From : mark lewis
Date : Wed Oct 02 2019 12:00 pm

-=> aaron thomas wrote to Gregory Deyss <=-

 GD> The demagogues have been trying to impeach since day 1 of his
 GD> Presidency, with each new accusation (nearly every one of these

 at> What's worse: a) saying the phrase "illegal alien," or b) timidly
 at> asking Ukraine to investigate a corrupt, disgraced, ex US VP?

he didn't ask "timidly" as you put it... then there's this...

note the explicit phrase "or other thing of value"... what he asked for is
absolutely against the law...

 at> I know that it's bad to sink to the level of lowlives, but I think
 at> Republicans owe it to the Democrats to impeach the next democrat
 at> president for anything; no matter how lame or weak the case is.

[devil's advocate]
ummm... the republicans impeached clinton for lying about a blow job...
how much more petty do you have to get?
then again, maybe this is payback for that impeachment?
[/devil's advocate]


.... You shall know the truth, and it shall make you freak.
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