Subj : Re: Trump Was There
Date : Wed Sep 04 2019 12:20 pm


TR> ML>there's more than enough to take him out... the only thing required is
TR> ML>someone to pull the damned trigger and get the process started...

TR> Read the above carefully.

GD>Yes the word scholar has chosen his words very inappropriately, where it
GD>does dance to the edge and is alarming, it is also design, to anger the
GD>reader if one lets their immigration float for more then a moment
GD>It was intentionally crafted this way.

GD>Yes I know Tim, if these words were used toward a Democratic politician
GD>they would be the first ones to contact the authorities to report a
GD>potential threat.

Recently a special forces war vet said something against ANTIFA and his
firearms were immediately confiscated!

Just recently an athelete made a `finger cocking' gesture and was disciplined
for it!

You recall an individual (Dale?) was recently sounding off at me about mass

Here's some info for him to chew on;

Some leftie news outfit comes out with the `shock' news that there have been
over 900 deaths due to mass shootings in the last seven years! Actually. its
USA Today with this `astounding' news!

But...... the city of Baltimore did that many in just three years!

Ever notice most mass shootings have a few things in common?

Like....most places they occur are `gun free zones'!

In other words...the shooter picks the place out knowing there is an almost
100% chance they will be completely unopposed.

BTW....did you see that dimwit mayor of Chicago go off on a republican for
stating a factual piece of information?

Ted Cruz pointed out the city of Chicago's restrictive gun laws do nothing to
curb shootings, and she went off on him.

She doesn't look smart enough to walk and chew gum at the same time, and she
takes offense at hearing the truth about her hellhole of a city.

*Durango b301 #PE* 
 * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)