Subj : Re: Trump Was There
To   : Gregory Deyss
From : Dale Shipp
Date : Tue Aug 13 2019 03:14 am

 -=> On 08-12-19  07:16,  Gregory Deyss <=-
 -=> spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Trump Was There <=-

 GD> "That poor kids are just as smart as white kids."
 GD> This goof is the leader in the Democratic race for the Presidency.

 DS> Why is that a goof? 

 GD> Obviously you missed it also, he is suggesting that the poor kids are
 GD> black kids. 

 GD> "That poor kids are just as smart as white kids." 

 GD> I hope that crazy Uncle Joe is one of the last men standing, when it
 GD> comes time for the Presidential debates, Trump will destroy him. 

Poor kids could also have applied to children in the foothills of
Apalachia -- but even if he meant to say "Poor black kids are just as
smart as white kids", why is that wrong?  Until environment and social
factors take charge that is probably true.

                               Dale Shipp
                  fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

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