Subj : Russian meddling
To   : Dale Shipp
From : Lee Lofaso
Date : Sun Jul 28 2019 03:44 am

Hello Dale,

>>It seems to me that in order for a charge of 'obstruction' to be
>>successful there would have to be some underlying criminal
>>investigation that was being obstructed.  There was no underlying crime
>LL>Aside from Russians meddling in our elections ...
>And not to mention the fact that the campaign welcomed their help.

Did they?  Or were they just curious to find out what they had
to offer?  A scandal is not necessarily a crime.  Even if it is.

>One of the take-aways from Mueller's testimony was that when asked if it
> would be wrong for a politician to accept help from a foreign power, he
> answered "yes, and an crime".

Donald Trump Jr is not a politician.  Mueller decided not to charge
him with any crime, letting him off the hook by calling him "naive".

>And yet Trump has stated that he would willingly accept such help and would
> not report it to the FBI (as he should).

Norway is not a hostile country.


Erections, That's Our Game

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