Subj : Nostradamus
To   : aaron thomas
From : Lee Lofaso
Date : Sat Jul 13 2019 06:08 pm

Hello Aaron,

>LL>Unlike the last election, the American people will decide who
>LL>they want, not the Russians.  A legitimate president who would
>LL>serve them well.
>You don't think that the primary winner will be the biggest gimmick
> available
>at the time? Whoever can use the most shock value to disgust conservatives;
>somebody who truly hates the health & safety of the American citizens; the
>one who will incite race wars and create the most hostile social climate
>among whites & non-whites; Kamala's got this.

We survived having a black man as president.  So why not a black woman?

>The only thing she's missing, to be a success in the Democratic primary, is
>free health care for all who pass through the USA & Iran. <- That will seal
>the deal for sure.

Everything ought to be free.  That is what I believe.  And that is
what most people believe.  Better for me to spend other people's money
rather than my own.  Wouldn't you agree?

I have friends who are from Iran.  They had to move here in order
to escape persecution due to their faith.  Both have made it here in
the USA, and are thankful for what this country has done for them.
Every now and then, I have to remind them it is best to remain here
rather than to visit their former homeland.  Iran does not treat
those who have left their shores in the same light as those who have
chosen to keep the faith in the wisdom of their mullahs.

That is something Americans fail to understand.  And are fortunate
in that respect, given how other peoples are treated in other lands.

>You know who's not going to be the primary winner? Tulsi Gabbard. The reason
>is because she's a veteran; liberals hate that. How would they ever win the
>election if they back a person who served our country? People who are
> willing
>to serve our country are not going to be successful in the democratic
>primary; valor doesn't win liberal votes, unfortunately; the opposite does.

There are three veterans in the race for the Democratic nomination,
including one man who is openly gay.  Which one the Democrats will
choose as their party's nominee is anybody's guess.  But it would be
nice if the Republicans would consider a true veteran for their own


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