Subj : Re: Impeachment or not
To   : Gregory Deyss
From : Dale Shipp
Date : Thu Jun 13 2019 01:28 am

 -=> On 06-12-19  22:21,  Gregory Deyss <=-
 -=> spoke to Mark Lewis about Re: Impeachment or not <=-

 ml>  have you even read the report???

 GD> Reading the report is a huge waste of time which is equal to the
 GD> amount of time wasted that it took to write it.

So you admit that you cannot handle the truth?

 GD> It must of been an absolutely awful feeling to the reader once they
 GD> realize that there is nothing within those 400+ pages that speaks to a
 GD> crime being committed by the President. 

False.  The elements of a crime are very carefully laid out.

 GD> I listened to his press release on the day the report was released.

Whose press release?  Barr's ?  Barr totally gave the wrong summary of
what the report said.  And he was told so by Mueller.  And then Barr
lied to Congress by denying that Mueller had expressed disagreement with
Barr.  But still you trust Barr's four page summary versus what you
could learn by reading the report itself for you own eyes?

 GD> Then I very carefully watched and listened to his spoken word that was
 GD> provided weeks later by the man himself at his televised press
 GD> conference. 

Again, I think you mean Barr.  That was where he continued to give false
interpretation of what was said in the Mueller report.  He was spinning
things for Trump.

 GD> That is good enough for me, as it should be good enough for anyone. 

So sad.

                               Dale Shipp
                  fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

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