Subj : Insults
To   : Steven Wolf
From : Lee Lofaso
Date : Sat Jun 08 2019 03:56 am

Hello Steven,

>>I am a conservative,
>Me too!

FDR was the greatest of them all.

>LL>trying their best to survive. Denying people their basic rights
>LL>is to deny them their own humanity. Is that who you are or want

>People that cross our borders illegally are law breakers. They violate MY
> rights as a law abiding American citizen. Our entire way of life is based
> on obeying the law. Without it there is Anarchy.

So much for the Pilgrims who came to this land.  Native Americans
welcomed them, then later asked them to leave when they abused their
welcome.  After the white man refused to leave, Native Americans went
on the warpath to make them leave.  But then others started coming.
And coming.  And coming ...

>I have friends that waited 20 or more years to gain US citizenship.

Since they already had a place to stay, they had no need to come here.
And yet we welcomed them.  So why should others be denied from doing
the same thing?

>It is an injustice to US citizens to allow anyone to just walk in whenever
> they please.

My grandfather was an infant when he was brought here from Sicily.
Nobody asked him to come here, and he really was left with no choice,
being unable to protest to anybody.

>Regardless of their origin.

In that case there is no need for a wall of any kind.

>Our system is based on law and punishment.

Native Americans could have done nothing and let the Pilgrims starve
to death.  But no.  Native Americans had compassion for others, even
those who were different from them from a place far away.

>Those that break the law should and will be punished.

Those are the kind of people the Pilgrims were running away from.


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