Subj : Killings
To   : aaron thomas
From : Lee Lofaso
Date : Fri Jun 07 2019 01:26 pm

Hello Aaron,

>DS>It is a misdemeanor, and not a serious crime.
>A misdemeanor can be a pretty serious crime. There is no misdemeanor that
>looks good on a job application, rental application, or any application,
>besides a political refugee application.

Applying for refugee status is not a criminal offense.
And does not have to be mentioned on any job application.

Why Trump hates immigrants is beyond me.  His wife is an
immigrant.  His wife's parents are immigrants.  His ex-wives
also fit the same description.  So who the hell does he think
he is?

Do you think his wife appreciates his comments about wanting
to do away with chain migration?  If she truly believed in what
he said and wants to do, she never would have sponsored her own
parents to come here.

Good thing her son was born in the USA.  Not that Donald had
anything to do with being the [alleged] father of her child.


I Take A Sheet In The Pool

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