Subj : Re: Iran To : Gregory Deyss From : Ward Dossche Date : Tue May 21 2019 03:09 pm GD>WD> The US cannot afford yet another war ... GD> The U.S. has one of the biggest, if not the biggest military budget on GD> the planet. You do understand, I hope, that you kinda just agreed my statement was correct? BTW, these were not my words. GD> That is what makes them the finest, their wiliness to serve. GD> The hero nomenclature comes when they carry out their orders as well as GD> acts of valor. Let me repeat ... the US has no business waging war in the Middle East GD> The U.S. forces are in Iraq helping the Iraqis to stand on their own to GD> feet (militarily speaking). From what I hear US forces in Iraq are drastically lowered and the majority of Americans there are civilian contrators. Good friend of mine works for one. GD> America's quarrel is not with people of Iran, but with it's Government, GD> who chant who chant Death to America, and brainwash others to do the GD> same. The situation in Iran was caused by US meddling in Iranian affairs when the Sjha was still the dictator overthere. Your country, laid the groundwork for Khomeini. Your country also altered Iraq from a very modern western country with women predominently present into a country from the 14th century. GD> Just as he canceled the Iran deal GD> which was the right thing to do. The deal was not cancelled. It just contiues with all the other participants minus the USA. \%/@rd --- D'Bridge 3.99 * Origin: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards (2:292/854)