
My coworkers use outlook a lot to handle meeting dates. This is
particular annoying for me as I use mutt at work and need to make
sense of the gibberish that a VCALENDAR attachment is.

Today I got so annoyed that I wrote a little awk script:

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

/^SUMMARY/   { FS=":"; summ = $NF }
/^LOCATION/  { FS=":"; meet = $NF }
/^DTSTART/   { FS=":"; 
				n = split($NF, date, "T"); 
				date_st = sprintf("%s-%s-%s", substr(date[1], 0,4), 
								substr(date[1],5,2), substr(date[1],7,2)); 
				time_st = sprintf("%s:%s", 
								substr(date[n],0,2), substr(date[n],3,2)); }
/^DTEND/     { FS=":"; 
				n = split($NF, date, "T"); 
				time_nd = sprintf("%s:%s", 
							substr(date[n],0,2), substr(date[n],3,2)); }

END          { print date_st" - "summ,"\n",time_st, "-", time_nd,meet"\n" }

This works nicely. I have this in my .muttrc:

auto_view text/calendar text/html
alternative_order text/calendar text/plain text/html

Ignore that html part, that's getting piped through lynx.
And in my mailcap I added:

text/calendar;	vcalendar2txt %s; copiousoutput

The copiousoutput part tells mutt that it is non-interactive (amongst
potential flooding it with output), so without that the auto_view
will not work.

The awk script is a bit ugly, I guess one could move the redundant
parts into its own function.

How do you deal with the enterprise IT horrors?