A Review of ``Practical Common Lisp'' by Peter Seibel Information concerning this work may be found here: http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book This is the first Common Lisp book I don't recommend reading. Having read many others, I saw little this added. The book is split into thirty-two chapters, themselves split between demonstrations and explanations. I must wonder whether reading it over the WWW may have coloured my perceptions of it. I find the book fails at being a better introduction to Common Lisp than others, and its examples of practical programs are also insufficient; as an analogy, it's a machine code book which explains how numerical bases work with more than an aside. The Common Lisp code demonstrated has a great deal of repetition and other nitpicks; he doesn't define a very specialized language for the problem domain, until the antepenultimate chapter. The code doesn't meet the high standards which I set for myself. In the eighth chapter, concerning macros, I was surprised to again come across ``The Story of Mac: A Just-So Story''; this is a suitable introduction to macro concepts. While this chapter does mention some nihilistic sophistry I've rebutted, I don't believe the chapter is entirely tainted, due to it. In sum, this book isn't strictly poor, but certainly is compared to the many other Common Lisp books available. I recommend every other Common Lisp book I've reviewed over it, even though it's gratis.