A Journey of a Thousand Miles...
March 09th, 2020

As you can tell, I'm a rather recent addition to the tilde team. I've been
interested in gopher for a few years now - since discovering that this old-
school way of exchanging information on the inter-webs, that I vaguely recall
seeing at college back in the early 90s, was still kicking!

After digging around in places like Floodgap, SDF, and here at tilde team,
I was so pleased to find all sorts of interesting things created by all
sorts of interesting people.  So, I decided to try my hand at it, one small
step at a time.

I'm not a developer or programmer... just a tinkerer who likes computers and
spends more time than his wife probably approves of fiddling with them, trying
to figure out how they work, what they do, and how to use them in new ways. 

Thanks for reading.

Bye for now.
                       Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on Ubuntu/22.04 x86_64