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other places you can find me:
~dkter on https (less cool)
wow i found a public_html on one of my university's servers
hello there! i'm david. i sometimes do things.

this is my space on the internet, conveniently using a protocol that nobody knows about.

i like programming, hecking around with computers, and playing Scrabble. in general i have no idea what i'm doing at any given point.

since you're cool enough to be using gopher, you've earned my contact info in my book. here are some links:
mastodon (smol acct)
ISC (Internet Scrabble Club): initializi
i also often hang around on the tildeverse irc, using the nick dkter or dkter1. if you can't decide how to contact me, i'm a big fan of matrix.

if you want my contact info for anything else, contact me using any of the methods listed above, but i do prefer the ones i've listed

other things: archive
here's the rest of my gopher hole. it's pretty empty now, but i might add more things later!
phlog                                          2020-Sep-06 00:58        -  
                       Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on Ubuntu/22.04 x86_64