About me / FAQ

(last updated 6-7-2019)

// Who are you?

My name is Vane Cassia Lucine Vander. Just "Vane" works too. Agorist, lesbian, radfem, artist. I write books sometimes.

My gopherhole is written in HTML because I find it works better in screenreaders. Varied inflection and all that. Plus it's easier to edit if I have to make corrections after publishing. If it causes problems with your Gopher client of choice, consider getting a better client.

// What's a MayVaneDay?

It's the name of my website, formerly just my blog, that I started mid-2015. It started off as a terrible WordPress roleplaying log, then slowly branched out into more and different things as my family ceased surveilling my internet usage. I converted it into a plaintext website early 2018, where it sat solely on Neocities for about seven months before a misunderstanding regarding a post I made about my poor experiences in the Tumblr fictionkin community got me harassed off the site. Now I have my own domain (mayvaneday.art), which works for both HTTPS and Gopher, so if one hosting company goes sour, I can up and leave without much trouble.

// Are you mentally okay?

It's debatable.

// How can I contact you?

Email or XMPP at vanevander(at)mayvaneday(dot)art.

My GPG public key is in the /mayvaneday folder of this gopherhole.