2022-11-29 - Swim, run, reset
Still swimming and running. The water is getting properly cold now. 
(at around 8 degrees Celsius currently) So the swims tend become a 
bit shorter, in order not to cool down too much. The silly thing 
is, while in the water everything seems fine. But once back on 
land, the body starts working in order to get warm again 
(read:shaking/shivering). Especially on cold mornings... Brr..

However, every time im supprised how quick the body recovers in 
general. But this requires me to keep mindful at not staying in the 
water for too long.  If the body gets too cold, it'll take quite some 
time (and a hot shower) to get back to normal again.

I'm also still running, and found out its better to not run right 
after swimming. When my feet are cold, the sensitivity of my feet 
is reduced, causing me to walk in a fairly silly way; Like an old 
man on stilts... It not only looks funny, but hurts my feet after.

Indoor things: 
For indoor winter activities i would like to pick up drawing and 
painting again. And also spend a bit more time bookreading.

In general, i would like my indoor activities to be less computer 
oriented, and more on good-old fashioned real-life analog offline 
fun. This transition is harder than i like it to be though. It 
seems over the years i've grown quite some computer related habits, 
and it's not easy to replace them with non-digital habits...

For example, i still havent finished the Bryson book i picked up 
earlier. Even though the book has been great so far. Instead i'm 
spending time doing silly computer stuff. (Read; consuming instead 
of creating)

Every time i walk through a book store, i wish i'd have the peace 
of mind to just sit down and read all those interesting books. But 
when i'm at home, i don't just sit down and start to read, but 
instead i let myself be distracted by computers and internets...

I have to reset some of my habits, and do the things my rational 
self likes to do, instead of lazily doing the familiar stuff...

It'll be alright though. Small steps... 

Sidenote: Can't believe it's almost december again...  Really my 
perception of time seems to be changing quite drastically. Another 
good argument to change up some habits... Time is running too fast 
when doing everything on autopilot.