2021-10-07 - Studying 
After receiving Paul Scherz's Electronics book, i've started slowly 
plowing through the book; Reading, working out example problems and 
pondering on things i still don't fully understand.

While it takes a lot of time, it is a very enjoyable thing to do. 
Just sitting with a book, sorting out things on my own. No 
computer, no internet, just the book, a notebook, a pencil and a 

"Wow, such a novel thing" somebody with sarcasm would say... 
Yes, life of a former internet junkie isn't easy...

The book starts with a big block of theory in chapter two, and 
continues a bit more practically oriented in chapters 3 [Basic 
components] and 4 [Semiconductors]. Since the two chapters overlap 
content-wise i am reading a bit of both. When i get tired or 
confused on the theory, i jump to chapter 3 for a bit and chill out 
over there.

Reading the book has reminded me that i could improve my math 
skills quite a bit more. Which is another thing i intend to pick up 
(from another book) at some point.

It would be nice to have structurally more time to study properly. 
Unfortunately study-time (and effectiveness) is somewhat affected 
by being worn down by an actual job and by having to do proper 
adult chores in the house.

Would be cool if studying could be a day job, so that one could 
focus the energy fully on studying. How much more easy would it be 
to learn new things...

Ah well, for now, evenings will have to do... So i better not waste 
time procrastinating on my computer and on the internet too much. 
And i should really start connecting to the internet only in the 
library, and not anymore at home.