2019-10-12 - Hello! ------------------------------------------------------------------- I've noticed quite some activity in my little forrest the past days. How cool is that? So either people are actually visiting this little gopher hole, or it is being visited by crawlers or bots or so, who accidently plant and chop trees by crawling. (I think you might be able to tell crawlers from humans, if a tree is planted once and chopped once nearly at the same time) In any case; If you are human people; Hello! And thanks for visiting! :) Whenever i read other people's gopher posts, it makes me feel kinda connected. It makes me feel less alone with my own silly struggles. And that's cool. So while i still don't know why i am writing all of this, and i still don't know why i need to put it online, maybe all this writing has some function in the end. Maybe somebody else might feel less alone alone with his own weird thoughts. Walking amongst you there are seemingly quiet people, who are just trying to make sense of all of this, just like you... And you won't notice them because they look alot like anybody else and don't tend to make a lot of fuzz. But they are there, silently walking around. Confused and at the same time totally in awe with the world they inhabit. ...Or... alternatively, you might instead feel that you are indeed completely utterly alone, and that the whole world is inhabited by idiots who feel the unstoppable urge to spill their dumb insignificant thoughts on all the corners of the internet, and even on Gopherspace... In this case; i am very sorry. I can't help it. I think... I promise i will try to refrain from posting pictures of my food here.