# This site has moved!
=> spartan://jdcard.com:3300/
=> gemini://jdcard.com/
=> http://jdcard.com/

# Another simple test.

=> spartan://jdcard.tilde.team My pages via Spartan
=> gemini://tilde.team/jdcard My pages via Gemini

Here is a code sample. It should be displayed in a mono-spaced font without collapsing white-space.
``` code BASIC
10 REM Hello World
20 PRINT "Hello World!";
30 END

## Level 2 heading
Some text.

Some more text.

### Level 3 heading
Text again

> This is something somebody else said.

We need a list
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

That pretty much covers the what we need for Gemtext.



