pulled in the latest changes from ~endorphant's upstream repo for ttbp today.

what a pain. i initially started with `git pull --rebase upstream master`, forgetting
that i had run the `black` code formatter on my fork at some point...

ended up re-forking on github and re-creating the tildegit repo as a mirror of the
forked github repo.

the goal is to have a small patchset that i can rebase on any new upstream changes.

most of the changes are just changing references of tilde.town to tilde.team:

i also fixed the packaging, adding a MANIFEST.in and tidying imports.

holler if anything is still funky and i'll see what i can do.

there are a handful of [open issues](https://github.com/modgethanc/ttbp/issues)
upstream so maybe we can all have a look at those and fix 'em up~!