Even though my next proximal
real cyberspace  goal is  to  So I have  about  two weeks.
launch  my ai show  in which  The  focus   will  be  on  a
we all marvel  at pizzapal's  playable game from
pca, I am here  now planning  asdf:make-build (asdf's
the  followup   show  to  my  explicit     support     for
first hpr contribution.       ecl-style
To recap  the episode   that  compilation).
will air on the 9th, hpr3789
(you  can hear  it from  the  I'm basically  /just/  going
future), I laid out an asdf3  to use applicative recursive
common  lisp  project,    in  functions   on lists  to lay
which  one module   contains  out nodes, as already  done,
applicative     game   logic  but  I am going  to tack  on
separated   from side effect  side effects:
modules,   and a  lisp-empty
module with a makefile  that  (1)  sdl2  display   of  the
certifies two acl2 books out  nodes   and  robots   moving
of  the  asdf  modules   and  between them, and
invokes acl2 on the books to  click-painted roads. sdl2 is
prove a silly theorem (a 1x3  supported everywhere so this
grid of nodes has 3 nodes).   is a multiplatform game.

Good   form   on hpr  is  to  (2)  Eternal   game   engine
contribute at most            primitive   cubes  appearing
fortnightly  to an available  and   vanishing,   for   the
slot,  so I will do that for  behaviour like (1).
a sequel, as I said, keeping
the topic closed  around (1)
gritty common lisp
multiplatform  games and (2)


Assuming   one  or  both  of
those   works   in the  next
fortnight,  my next angle is
going   to  be starting   to
/package/ the games. openbsd
doesn't   have recent enough
opengl  for Eternal,  so the
guarunteed  outcome  is  the
sdl2 demo on openbsd,  linux
and  maybe-followup  Eternal
on FreeBSD and linux.