
I  wrote  this macro  for explaining  'MAPCAR  in terms  of  'LOOP  to
pizzapal deep within one of James' mastodon threads. 


(defmacro loopcar (fun &rest lists
                      &aux (syms (loop for x in lists
                                      collect (gensym))))
 `(loop ,@(loop for list in lists
                for sym in syms
                nconcing  (list :for syn :in list))
       collecting (funcall ,fun ,@syms)))


We were also talking  about how big the common lisp standard  is:  But
there's  so much useful stuff in there (that  went into my explanation
of 'MAPCAR). I had actually been hoping to find a simple definition of
mapcar's   behaviour   analogous   to  this  definitionally    correct
description of mapcon in terms of maplist: 

(mapcon f x1 ... xn)
:= (apply #'nconc (maplist f x1 ... xn))

but mapcar and maplist get prose definitions. Maybe

 ((%cars (lists)
   (if (null lists) nil
    (cons (caar lists) (%cars  (cdr lists)))))
  (%cdrs (lists)
   (if (null lists) nil
    (cons (cdar lists)  (%cdrs (cdr lists)))))
  (%mapcar (f &rest rest)
   (if (some 'null rest) nil
    (cons (apply f (%cars rest)) (%mapcar  f (%cdrs rest))))))
  (%mapcar f x1 ... xn))

Though  we would  never  see this in common  lisp because  we have the
mapcar family in the standard. 
