;;;;Now #'PARTHENOGENESIS returns a form rather than prints a string
;;;;And doesn't need to be called twice. Like:
;;;;> (let* ((eve (form-eve))
;;;;         (quine (parthenogenesis eve))
;;;;         (*print-pretty* t))
;;;;   (prin1 quine)
;;;;   (eval quine))
;;;; Uses #'alexandria:with-gensyms rather than just ECL
;;;; https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/alexandria/alexandria

> (setq *eve* (form-eve))
#<a #:CLASSNAME15 0xx>

> (parthenogenesis *eve*)

> (setq *quine* (capture-read (parthenogenesis *eve*)))
                    (EXT:WITH-GENSYMS (CLASSNAME)
                                       (LET ((QUINE
                                              (DEFCLASS (SI:UNQUOTE CLASSNAME)
                                         (SI:UNQUOTE-SPLICE BODY))))))
          ((EVE) ((FORM :ACCESSOR FORM)) (:DOCUMENTATION " . . . "))
 (let ((particular-quine (eval form)))
  (setf (form particular-quine) form)
  (values particular-quine)))

> (setq *another-eve* (eval *quine*))
#<a #:CLASSNAME23 0xx'>

> (parthenogenesis *another-eve*)

> (setq *quine* (capture-read (parthenogenesis *another-eve*)))


Something   beautiful   emerged   out of  my  sleepy  brain  explosion
filesystem  quine from yesterday. I'm quite taken with what I've named
eve quines.   We could  put the mother  eve class  and parthenogenesis
method   definition   inside  the 'FORM-EVE   utility  initial   quine
production, but I prefer them outside. 

What  eve quines  are is a way of producing  lexical  scope   infinite
extent  CLOS (common  lisp object system,  sea-loss)  class definition
quines. You can only get to the class name using 

> (class-name (class-of *particular-eve*))

which I knew was a feature of CLOS, though I always had trouble  using
it since I think names interned by defclass are special scope. This is
because the class name is a 'GENSYM. GENSYMs are only 'EQ iff they are
the same GENSYM; if you type out the generated print name of a gensym,
you are still  refering to something  else (it won't be 'EQ, which  it
would have to be to be the class name). 

Eve quines  operate  wholly within the lisp image, though the produced
quine form could be persisted elsewhere. 

A few notes:

x Currently nonportable ECL solely due to ECL's 'ext:with-gensyms  (->
#:alexandria P) 
(fixed, thanks ldbeth. Also the defgeneric for (setf form))

- New eves start  as subclasses  of the original eve class,  and would
need  to be MOPed (metaobject  protocoled)  to make  their  particular
mother their direct-superclass.  I can adjust the default behavior  to
this without using the MOP by adding an optional argument. 

-  Eve  quines  are not yet stately,  though  they can easily   be  as

- Persisted  eve quines will forget their mother due to her name being
a gensym. 

- Not in an ASDF system yet (CL-USER package)

I need to introduce  stately eves and CLOSER-MOP  to understand  where
this is leading.