Following tomasino's call for people to try integrating  signing, I made
an 18 minute  coding video just using signify(1)  and sha512(1) in a few
situations.   I get a little  confused, but I think  it was good and the
compression was kind to my text.

Our powerful sysadmins (yes you) : Did I do alright?  (aside from when I
confused keys and signatures ..) 

tl;d watch

# Just make signify key

signify -G -s me.sec -p

echo "foo" > bar.txt

# Three arguments  seems like a lot, but they're  basically  always  the
same, and it's not really a lot 

# Sign bar.txt into bar.sig. What's being/been signed is the message -m.

signify -S -s me.sec -m bar.txt -x bar.sig

# Verify bar.txt using and bar.sig (the usual case)

signify -V -p -m bar.txt -x bar.sig

# In the video I deal with sha512 as well:

sha512 bar.txt > bar.manifest

sha512 -C bar.manifest bar.txt
# (finds bar.txt's signature)

# signify an embedded signature

signify -S -e -s me.sec -m bar.manifest -x bar.manifest.sig

# check -C hecklist

signify -C -e -p -m bar.manifest -x bar.manifest.sig

Hmm.. Did I just miss the point of -C and also provide an unnecessary -m

I think the idea is that you post your public  key everywhere  - in your
different  internet  places - front and center since signfy public  keys
are tiny. 

Then I guess you phost -e mbedded signatures on your phlog.  I'll figure
out a lynx line later. 

@sysadmins correct and extend me on the Mastodon please