Well! This phlog post implements comprehension of the storm radio recordings by jns:
         The filenames start  with the talkgroup id followed  by the timestamp
         of the recording. For example:
                    would be tgid: 9021   and timestamp: 1680324909
           Standard unix timestamp, you should be able to convert it to human-
           readable text with the date command, eg:
                     > date -d @1680324909
                     Fri Mar 31 11:55:09 PM CDT 2023

And I used macros.

Including! In order to be able to READ - and _ I modified the readtable; 
which clojure says isn't a good idea, 
so I only modified a local copy of the readtable.

Having recordings/9021-1680324909_855162500-call_4036.m4a

$ rlwrap ecl -load jns-storm-filenames.lisp
> (comprehend-directory #p"recordings/*.*")

(((NAMESTRING . "9021-1680324909_855162500-call_4036.m4a")
  (DECODED-TIME (YEA . 2023) (MON . 3) (DAY . 31) (HOU . 23) (MIN . 55)
   (SEC . 9))
  (TGID . 9021) (UNIX-TIME . 1680324909) (LOCATION? . 855162500)
  (UNUSED . CALL) (INDEX . 4036)))

This solves sorting and filtering in lisp using association list tools.

Common Lisp has its own directory wildcard stuff #p"foo/*.*"

(defun do-nothing (s c) "
Placed in tmp *readtable* for #\- and #\_
 (read s t nil t))

(defmacro decode-unix-time (time &aux 
                             '(sec min hou day mon yea))) "
(decode-universal-time (+ time 2208970800))
2208970800 seconds seem to be the difference.

 `(multiple-value-bind ,fields
   (decode-universal-time (+ ,time 2208970800))
     ,(append '(list) fields))))

(defmacro comprehend-path-name (name) "
(comprehend-namestring name)
name is actually the string from (pathname-name path)
 `(let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
   (set-macro-character #\- #'do-nothing)
   (set-macro-character #\_ #'do-nothing)
   (with-input-from-string (in ,name)
    (loop for no = (handler-case (read in nil nil) (end-of-file (e) nil))
     for field in '(tgid unix-time location? unused index)
     while no collect `(,field . ,no)))))

(defun comprehend-directory (dir &aux (files (directory dir))) "
(comprehend-directory #p\"path/to/files/*.*\")
 (loop for file in files
  for namestring = (file-namestring file)
  for path-name = (pathname-name file)
  for alist = (comprehend-path-name path-name)
  for time = (decode-unix-time
              (cdr (assoc 'unix-time alist)))
  (append `((namestring . ,namestring)
            (decoded-time . ,time))