I often  think  about  pizzapal;
aided   by   hearing    pizzapal  [
blasting Sisters of Mercy on the  Aside;    the   book  emphasises
aNONradio openmic.                common  lisp 1ed's blandness  in
                                  the  pursuit   of   portability,
One  occasion  was thumbing  the  somewhat presaging java ]
foreward   to   Interlisp    The
Language    And  Its  Usage   by  I came across  lots  of lit from
Kaisler, a description of modern  the   70s  that  LISP   language
lisp  (interlisp   or   zetalisp  authors shared knowledge of that
(iirc smj's fav)) as of 1986 for  I never read. Discussing pattern
DARPA   and   then  specifically  matching facilities,   citations
interlisp-10 and interlisp-d.  I  include    Kornfield   [korn79],
think    I  got  it   from   the  Waterman     and      Hayes-Roth
interlisp   medley pack floating  [wate78],    Shapiro   [shap79],
around.                           Winston    and  Horn   [wins81],
                                  Charniak et al. [char80].
The  citations  in this book are
incredible. One truth blossoming  Discussions    like   this   one
forth  from pizzapal's  soul  is  underscore that there is not one
the   applicability   of  prolog  universal    best    programming
graph  searches   to   intuitive  technique;      and    different
video game mechanics.             techniques     suit    different
                                  purposes.   One goal pursued  by
ILTLAIU  is very clear that lisp  the    lisps   was   to   escape
is   dominant    in   artificial  artificial   intelligence,   and
intelligence  programming;  lisp  become    a   general    purpose
being garbage collection stapled  programming  language.   I think
to CAR  CDR CONS  EQ and  a  few  ANSI common  lisp 2ed succeeded,
type predicates. But in practice  but worlds of ground  were ceded
lots of higher  level constructs  to C-like languages.  However  I
on top of these. We should think  wonder if generality  of purpose
of LISP  as a tool  for building  might   be  the  same  as  being
more powerful tools.              worse.