This concludes my plumbing Tycho
Brahe's   depths.   Exactly  six  ..
years  prior,  Tycho Brahe wrote
about how each generation  seems  I always feel sympathy  about []
to think  they  are experiencing  what  millenials  are supposedly
the end of the world,  but  this  like []  shiftless  rodents, but
is    just    a     generational  they've also managed  to disrupt
difference of perspective [1].    every industry

#+BEGIN_QUOTE                     #+END_QUOTE

My  [gen  x]   were   supposedly  I'm solidly a millenial;  when I
"bleak, cynical, and              finished  high school,  the 2008
disaffected,"                     financial collapse happened.

..                                If you didn't  read  my adjacent
                                  phost  on Tycho Brahe's  writing
behind the dam, and watching the  [2], you should;   but the  gist
cracks start to appear            was  that  in May 2023,  we have
                                  truly reached the end times, and
                                  a  cartel   of the  worst   evil
                                  control  and solely  profit from
                                  the web and all publishing, good
                                  work doesn't  matter and a small
                                  number   of   rich  people   are
                                  fiddling in the embers; but they
                                  are  replacing   their  servants

with  robots  hewn from the dead

I  did  copy jns'   >>>this   is
important<<<   phlog item to the
top   of   my  phlog   ;    it's


[2] gopher://

Post Scriptum

I want to add a word about gen z; they never touched a world that
wasn't Facebook and Google (Meta corporation and Alphabet
corporation), Amazon Alexi and Apple Siri opaque little computers made
to look like speakers, streaming every noise they make back to the HQ
to juice remaining shreds of happiness out of their lives for another