I missed  a(i) suds + everything
+ the kitchen  sink pun.  When I  With  my  sm0l modern   hopfield
threw  together   my   binry-hop  network   lisp  ai,  I  will  be
(pronounced  bunny hop) package,  exploring and demonstrating  the
I   just  literally   wrote  the  gopher://perma.computer  letter,
update  summation  from Hopfield  (which  I have signed)  call for
and Karpov's Modern Hopfield Net  exclusively   personal,    human
paper into lisp (a job for which  respectful and human flourishing
lisp is suitable).   However  my  oriented artificial
rapid  writing   did not memoise  intelligences,  for ecologically
the  edge weights  (which   you,  friendly long-life and low-power
dear  reader,  are  aware  is  a  personal devices.
necessary optimisation). Somehow
I've  found  it clumsy  to  jack  Currently    bashing   my   head
that in. I've even thought about  against   a    revised    update
using a once-only macro, another  function. One thing I might have
macro  and 'EVAL  on my original  to  prove   -  I  want   to  use
code (instead  of directly using  contextual    contents   of    a
an array).  Using eval is mostly  sub-window sliding around within
but not always  a sign that  you  the   binary   network   as  one
have made a mistake.              more-efficient    layer   of   a
                                  multi-layer  abstracted hopfield
My intent is to forthwith emerge  net.  Hopfield  nets are sort-of
from my chrysalis  and fly  into  very   deep  by   their   nature
the following  light: To improve  (though   dual  to  feed-forward
and    release    my   binry-hop  networks  of a single layer  - I
package, ported to lispusers and  think multiple layer
common  lisp  gigalisp;   to use  feed-forward  networks are  also
this  to  make  something   like  equivalent   to  a  single-layer
nethack,  played  via the gopher  feed-forward    network),    but
using my binry-hop  package,  to  multiple  activation   functions
write  a libre  book thereabout,  can be used as long as they  are
where the ground up tree pulp is  kept   separate.    I  think  my
actually   a gopherhole,  and to  sliding  window  proof will turn
open  funding   me for this  via  out to be trivial  (or my friend
liberapay.                        Jose on the mastodon  might have
                                  to help me..).

If  you imagine  sokoban  (as  a
proxy for hack),  whose movement
commands   are  often  stylishly
written    as   local    pattern
matching; having movement update
like   that   (as  a   localised
memory)  is the sliding   window
I'm thinking of.

No rest for the wicked.