
if you skip it, some missing context may quickly become apparent.

Stable anarchist  societies  vigilantly  extirpate  members who are
using Night Sorcery  or Night Witchcraft  to take from other people
without  recognisable  need or effort or method.  This use of Night
Powers  to pointlessly  gain at the expense  of others  is comorbid
with  late-stage  psychopathy;   the user has been  murdering   and
cannibalising  people,  and is reaching  the stage of remorselessly
victimising  even people  who love them. With some conscious irony,
such  an insane villain  must be taken down even at the cost of the
rest of the community using tainted night powers to purge them. 

Modern  slavery is worse than historical  slaveries and this is due
to  previously   unplumbed  depths  of the  tainted   night  magic.
Apparently  similar historical slavery was mitigated by the lack of
surveillance   capitalism   night  sorcery;   there  simply  wasn't
effective 24/7 monitoring  and recording of slaves,  and travel was
necessary,  slow, and difficult. Even the most insane slave holders
were  basically  singular  roving predators,  whose current victims
were  highly  local and who could be effectively  avoided  in  many
cases. With the modern depths of Night Sorcery not so. 

Nobody   needs  to hear this,  but the excuse  that Modern   Slaves
Consent is stupid.  In the annals of history,  this slavery will be
remembered   by  the slave-holders  larping as  childhood   bullies
yelling   Why  Don't  You  Stop  Hitting   Yourself   during  their
slave-taking runs.