jiangjun:   My friend who knows Chinese  but no computer  stuff was
loosely   translating  your Chinese  language  phost for me!  If  I
understand correctly, you figured out to put 

printf "export LANG='en_US.UTF-8'\n" >> ~/.profile

to see UTF-8 on SDF right? But my shell is just ksh so I'm not sure
if that's the same thing you are doing. 

Anyway,  I would  like to learn  enough  to talk with other  damgud
cyberchatters  whose lingua franca is Chinese in Chinese, and maybe
find some other lisp programmers. 

Did you participate in OCC23 yourself?

Thank you for your computing autobiography.  I hope you enjoy using
gentoo, I'm about to put it on a boxen myself though I normally use
openbsd.   gopher://gopher.linkerror.com  also often uses gentoo  I

If  anyone   else also speaks  Chinese  and  likes  old  computers,
especially LISP I would like to write phosts and talk some time!