Mastodon toots are sometimes too quick for a topic. To abridge the evolution of that thread as I write this: has pointed out that if talking to one of the current LLM products has replaced other programming tools, those programming tools must not have been very good. This leads into the point that what was happening at e.g. Xerox, MIT etc in the early 80s and before hasn't been seen or considered by the people viewing LLMs as an improvement. Which I obviously agree with, see my ongoing odyssey through Interactive Programming Environments 1984. This was apropos's LLM-powered holodeck: A MOO experience where vague desires were synthesised into the room based on LLM products. Here I'm going to diverge from those toots and give 101 more reasons LLMs are bad. The chatbots we are talking about are the result of performing some particular integral over a finite domain of data, the training set resulting in a trained range of functions functioning like this: >"How can I make a sandwich? Put some sauerkraut and swiss cheese on rye bread Which in generative LLMS (like GPT) is stochastic, so the result of this function involves some random variables, intended to simulate asking a human that it was trained on the life of. The sandwich recipe response will be different, but still made from integrating over the training data. Problem 0: Integration has a smoothing effect. (Check me on this please), this means the result of the integral is more compressible than the input data. This makes it possible for calls in the trained function range to be answered quickly and more consistently. The cost of this is that in order to increase the resolution or particular utility of the trained function range requires an astronomical amount of harvested human lives as data, and an environmental catastrophe of resources to perform the initial training. ;;; Side note freakazoid also pointed out that scrapping the internet is no longer useful for training your own bot, since the I'm going to say post-2016 internet became rapidly filled with trash content generated by the initial and ongoing flights of these chatbots. Problem 1: Problem 0 implies that great productions within the scraped human lives are worsened by combination with the regrets of those and other human lives. This leads to the professional chatbot ticklers, who use their Expert Familiarity with a chatbot product to produce superior answers such as by re-asking the above question: >"How would Gordon Ramsey make a Ruebin sandwich quickly? (} asking how to do something in the style of a prolific but also constrained famous person to receive better answers was an MIT discovery) this works like this: Some places in the trained function range were dominated by a small number of input data. Training methods have been designed to answer the Gordon Ramsey question similarly to the small amount of data relating to both Gordon Ramsey and sandwich recipes. The chatbot tickling amounts to finding places where very little training data contributed to the trained function output. Finding a place means choosing the words of the question to the chatbot in these cases. The chatbot tickler has snuck in the knowledge that their customer will applaud Gordon Ramsey's idiosyncracies. One imagines searching for a recipe in a signature recipe book. Problem 10: This is a restatement of problems 1 and 0 together. What these LLM chatbots are doing is facilitating the plagiarism of the human lives that were harvested, with expert ticklers knowing a few places in the range weighted towards tiny amounts of irregularly high quality moments in the glut of scraped human lives. Back when search engines worked, say before 2014, there was a funny website, When asked for an expert opinion, users would send back The website would play a funny GIF of the search terms being typed into a search engine, and the mouse moving to and clicking on the first web result followed by a web redirect to that web page. Note this no longer works due to LLM and adjacent content, and hasn't since at least 2016. Problem 11: Expert reliance on data-poor regions of the training data in order to clever-Hans in apparently high quality results increases susceptibility to attacks. Famously, the usual npm and pip attacks: Upload a package to the community package source with a name easily confused with a well-known package, that is the well-known package but with a backdoor inserted. Packages are packages of programming language code built on top of by programmers to reduce their responsibility for a project. Problem 100: Follows from problem 11. Since we know how to cook hostile misbehaviours into this type of technology, we can expect Private Data Sets and Private Models (training methods) to cook hostile behaviours in. Hostile like pushing people towards affiliated purchases and sabotaging corporate enemies, such as libre software and human rights. The hostile behaviours could also be doped in by outside agents who knew they were being harvested and detected that their specially crafted data had been included in a product release.