("                                                        JUSTt         "
 "                                                          TOu         "
 "                                                      QUICKLYn        "
 "                                                         QUIP:        "
 "                                                          WHATD       "
 "                                                             Ir       "
 "                                                      MENTIONEDX      "
 "                                                             ON5      "
 "                                                             THED     "
 "                                                           LISPY)     "
 "                                                           GOPHERJ    "
 "                                                         climate.h    ")
emacs' M-x customize-variable fill-column has a default value of 70,
pretty close to RFC1436's recommended 67 (was it 67 or 69). On the
other hand, lisp sources suggest that if you've got 100 character
columns, to use them.  And jns' multi-column justification is a thing
of beauty that plays well with a larger column budget.

I removed the terminal escapes from my gophermap at IanJ's
recommendation anyhow, as did jns before.

I agree that cat (baud.baby) qualifies as an art installation: 3.5chan
as well. I forget who made the point about the RFC specifying
*gopher-browsing* lines (probably itemtype 1 lines) rather than
setting out rules for itemtype 0.

We also talked about figlet headings as informational lines, which are
a fairly conserved cultural norm that is not reflected in the RFC, and
is probably why some gopher browsers that don't accept to scroll
through informational lines in gophermap files still attempt to
display informational lines near the top of the directory.

Prior discussion:

Seems there is likely later discussion I have not caught up on yet.