Unexpected free time
July 13th, 2021

Being in visit to the respective birth places, both me
and my wife have some visits to give and to receive.

Concerning my side of the family, there's not much to
say. I've got four siblings, we are all quite busy with
our life.  Also, I don't have any appreciable
relationship with my cousins.

Everything was solved in a very socially-intensive day.
I managed to dodge all the pointless meetings with
people I don't know, but that I should meet according
to my mother.  I spent the remaining time walking in
the woods.  I wish my wife didn't decide to work from
home, during that time.

My wife's side is quite different, and there's way more
social interaction involved.  Quite a number of people,
often just family friends, seek for a visit.  There's a
lot of social interaction with quite a number of

I'm not a social person, and I'm usually not
comfortable in these meetings.  For one thing, not
having relationship with these people implies that we
don't have much to talk about.  Moreover, my interests
are very unlikely to match other people's.  In short, I
typically spend the whole time being silent, or giving
minimal answers to discourage the little talk.

My wife knows quite well that I'm not suited for this.
Lately she started to offer me the opportunity of
staying home.

My internal reaction, on the first occurrence, can be
described as that of a young boy who has been given
license of not going to church.  My external self was
more cool, more rational, and made sure at least three
times that this path is safe.

Not that my relief wasn't evident, but even if I
dislike social conventions, I don't really want to be
depicted as the grumpy guy who doesn't want to meet
people.  Although probably I am.

My wife, at that point all dressed up for the occasion,
lowered her voice and said: «I'd pay money not to go,
why don't you shut up and enjoy some time for

The thing somewhat surprised me, as a young boy who has
been told that yeah, church is actually boring for me
too, did you really think I enjoy it?

Oh well, I'll be grateful and enjoy some free time
then, while shrugging at how pointless social
conventions are.