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Welcome to tilde.institute, a public-access UNIX system running OpenBSD.
This is a space for people to explore the OpenBSD operating system, in
addition to exploring the more social aspects of a multi-user UNIX system.
Gopher and web space, IRC, games, and more are available!

User sites are accessible via https://.tilde.institute
A list of user gopherholes is available at gopher://tilde.institute
User git repositories are at https://git.tilde.institute

The mailing list will be the primary means of communication between
tilde.institute admins and users regarding announcements and critical

Web archive and subscribing info:

~thewhodidthis                                 2024-Nov-17 00:00        -  
~simon                                         2024-Nov-12 04:52        -  
~marmoset                                      2024-Nov-11 22:17        -  
~hotchill                                      2024-Nov-11 12:18        -  
~stoickidoomer                                 2024-Nov-08 11:36        -  
~mcsuper5                                      2024-Oct-05 06:33        -  
~aleteoryx                                     2024-Sep-07 20:08        -  
~meta4                                         2024-Aug-25 17:15        -  
~id2                                           2024-Jul-21 04:15        -  
~aa                                            2024-Jul-15 10:26        -  
~varchs                                        2024-May-21 01:16        -  
~hisacro                                       2024-Mar-27 20:47        -  
~iev                                           2024-Mar-27 10:52        -  
~screwtape                                     2024-Feb-18 07:05        -  
~lunar                                         2024-Jan-20 19:26        -  
~amy                                           2023-Dec-17 20:45        -  
~dos                                           2023-Oct-25 08:43        -  
~silkevicious                                  2023-Aug-24 13:43        -  
~birabittoh                                    2023-Jul-09 06:59        -  
~mcornick                                      2023-Jul-03 05:14        -  
~gaf                                           2023-Jun-23 06:57        -  
~shrike                                        2023-May-13 05:46        -  
~comradecrow                                   2023-May-09 21:55        -  
~didje                                         2023-May-01 18:57        -  
~dbane                                         2023-Apr-07 13:52        -  
~cam                                           2023-Mar-27 00:12        -  
~sillylaird                                    2023-Mar-09 15:15        -  
~esthromeris                                   2023-Mar-03 15:34        -  
~rebello                                       2023-Jan-30 22:32        -  
~yeti                                          2023-Jan-22 02:31        -  
~eirian                                        2022-Oct-11 17:06        -  
~chis                                          2022-Sep-16 21:35        -  
~slarti                                        2022-Sep-02 17:50        -  
~rdh                                           2022-Jul-01 14:54        -  
~mieum                                         2022-Jun-27 14:38        -  
~gamliel                                       2022-May-24 10:14        -  
~jtecca                                        2022-May-06 04:19        -  
~david                                         2022-Apr-30 20:39        -  
~krzych                                        2022-Apr-10 16:46        -  
~skyrm                                         2022-Jan-28 17:59        -  
~novaburst                                     2022-Jan-19 17:37        -  
~paper                                         2021-Dec-20 20:16        -  
~rain2727                                      2021-Dec-20 13:52        -  
~katsuragi                                     2021-Dec-10 12:29        -  
~shokara                                       2021-Dec-10 05:02        -  
~noisytoot                                     2021-Nov-10 00:49        -  
~xvetrd                                        2021-Nov-08 05:01        -  
~ghostglyph                                    2021-Oct-20 14:02        -  
~performa                                      2021-Oct-10 16:23        -  
~krkk                                          2021-Aug-24 18:35        -  
~stevieo                                       2021-Aug-18 11:42        -  
~dacav                                         2021-Aug-15 14:55        -  
~droneriot                                     2021-Jul-28 02:48        -  
~james                                         2021-May-12 02:12        -  
~kiiwiiwastaken                                2021-Feb-26 23:38        -  
~ayb                                           2021-Feb-19 18:33        -  
~gbmor                                         2020-Dec-28 23:21        -  
~srfsh                                         2020-Dec-23 17:41        -  
~mao                                           2020-Dec-04 19:02        -  
~henrik                                        2020-Nov-27 22:09        -  
~dnied                                         2020-Oct-20 13:17        -  
~vgk                                           2020-Sep-19 21:44        -  
~underpower                                    2020-Apr-11 07:00        -  
~erxeto                                        2020-Apr-08 17:24        -  
~slappy                                        2020-Mar-28 03:48        -  
~ensa                                          2020-Jan-20 07:16        -  
~lel                                           2020-Jan-17 20:55        -  
~tomasino                                      2019-Sep-16 14:54        -  
~dlom                                          2019-Jul-06 00:47        -  
~hptr                                          2019-Mar-29 21:52        -  
~ftlrunner                                     2019-Mar-01 11:29        -  
                         Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on OpenBSD/amd64 7.3