2023-10-20 Fizzbuzz Emacs Macro Were you ever in dire need for the output the Fizzbuzz[1] program but couldn't be bothered to write/compile/run it again? Fret not, with the following Emacs keyboard macros[2] you can generate the sequence. No programming required. ; insert numbers 0-100 C-x r n a C-x ( C-x r i a RET C-x r + a C-x ) C-100 C-x e ; replace multiples of 3 M-< C-x ( C-k Fizz C-a C-3 C-n C-x ) C-0 C-x e ; replace multiples of 5 M-< C-x ( C-k Buzz C-a C-5 C-n C-x ) C-0 C-x e ; replace multiples of 15 M-< C-x ( C-k FizzBuzz C-a C-15 C-n C-x ) C-0 C-x e ; tidy up M-< C-Shift BACKSPACE Footnotes ~~~~~~~~ [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fizz_buzz [2] https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Keyboard-Macros.html