2024-04-06	Local music streaming UPDATE

  So, of course one day after setting things up I had too write my own
  Html5 audio player. Luckily Javashit  idioms from 20 years ago still
  work. I  made extensive use of  simple form elements, the  <tt> tag,
  document.getElementById and  the infamous onclick property.  Now the
  player  is   even  simpler   and  looks   like  straight   from  the
  90s. Perfect!

  What is not so perfect is that  - of course - this shit doesn't work
  on my  Android tablet.  I can  visit the web  player via  Fennec and
  start playing songs but as soon as  I switch to another app it stops
  (at least  most of the time,  sometimes it works as  intended). Then
  after  few  failed  attempts  to  keep  the  music  running  in  the
  background the Fennec tab is completely unresponsive.

  Maybe someday I'll figure out the  dark vodoo magic that is required
  to get what I want. At least  it works on my other devices which are
  proper PCs.