#+TITLE: 014/100 interactive lisp slime life in plain text
#+AUTHOR: screwtape
#+EMAIL: screwtape@sdf.org
* Preamble
0. This preamble changes to orgmode and locally caches a gopher buffer.
1. Do M-x org-mode ; alt-x org-mode <RET>
2. put the cursor anywhere in the src block below and press C-c C-c and say yes
#+name: cache-this-phlog
#+HEADER: :var phlogs-dir="/tmp/phloggersgarage/"
#+HEADER: :var phlog-server="tilde.club/"
#+HeADer: :var phlog-dir="~screwtape/synthember-100days-tooffload/"
#+HEADER: :var this-phost-title="014-interactive-slime-life.org"
#+begin_src elisp :results none
  (let* ((tmp-directory
	  (cl-concatenate 'string phlogs-dir phlog-server phlog-dir))
	 (tmp-file-name (cl-concatenate 'string tmp-directory this-phost-title)))
    (make-directory tmp-directory t)
    (set-visited-file-name tmp-file-name)
    (save-buffer (current-buffer))
    (find-file tmp-file-name))
3. Join #phloggersgarage in libera.chat while enjoying cached org-mode gopher
4. customize the header :var whatever="stri/ngs" for your own phosts
* Bongusta phlog aggregator by logout
- M-x elpher-copy-link-url ; I always forget this after elpher-go. Also ^ is back
- C-c C-l C-y <RET> <RET> ; enter a link that displays as just the url

* THIS PHLOG AS SUCH                                     :actually_the_phlog:
is an ANSI standard extending the lisp standard to present and accept
interactions by means other than simply a character stream.

The open source child of clim is named McCLIM and it's over here:

OR SO I PLANNED but instead this is a sm0l introduction to programming
in lisp at all and with an orgmode slime session, and clos

*** Start slime
#+name: slime
#+begin_src elisp
*** Writing a package without clim
Actually, I'm not sure how to start slime without opening a window
that needs to be closed (C-x 5 0).

I believe slime includes loading the inferior lisp's asdf
implementation so we don't have to (require :asdf).

Here I'm learning myself, and I know that I want clim to make the
interface, rather than trying to fiddle it myself.

So I'm thinking something like a list of counts and names that
I can #'pairlis together. Something like this
#+name: pairlis
#+begin_src lisp
  (defvar *counts* '(0 0 0))
  (defvar *names* '(a b c))
sorry about the vulgar style. I often like to just setq like this when
I'm just noodling. Then maybe we would like to #'incf a count based on
a name.
#+HEADER: :noweb yes :results none
#+begin_src lisp
  (Defun incf-by-name (name)
    (let ((idx (search `(,name) *names*)))
      (when idx (incf (car (nthcdr idx *counts*))))))
I tried to use noweb to inline having called whatever pairlis() was
for the side effect. #'defvar means multiple calls to that don't reset
their value. Now maybe a function for using that that takes an arg
#+name: %increase-name
#+HEADER: :var count-name=()
#+begin_src lisp
(incf-by-name count-name)

this should just work right? call_%increase-name(count-name='a) {{{results(=3=)}}}

#+CALL: %increase-name(count-name='a)

: 2

#+CALL: %increase-name(count-name='b)

: 1

there isn't really a cute way to turn that special scope stuff into a
class, so I'm just quickly rewriting it.
**** name-count class
#+name: defining-name-count-class
#+begin_src lisp
  (defclass named-counts ()
   ((count-names :initarg :count-names :Type 'list :accessor count-names)
    (counts-of :initarg :initial-counts-of :Type 'list :Accessor counts-of)))
  (defmethod increase-name ((name symbol) (obj named-counts))
   (let ((idx (search `(,name) (count-names obj))))
    (when idx (incf (car (nthcdr idx (counts-of obj)))))))

  ;;Oh let's just make a special one (like how *application-frame* will be special)
  (defvar *named-counter*
	(make-instance 'named-counts
		     :count-names '(a b c)
		     :initial-counts-of '(-3 -2 -1)))

#+RESULTS: defining-name-count-class
: #<NAMED-COUNTS {1003904183}>

and the actual
#+name: increase-name
#+header: :var count-name=()
#+begin_src lisp
(increase-name count-name *named-counter*)
with the example named-counter. #+call_increase-name(count-name='c) {{{results(=2=)}}}

#+CALL: increase-name(count-name='b)

: -1

We did some programming. I am thinking of using something like this with derangements later.

Let's see about graphicalising this.

*** require mcclim
OKAY I forgot that McCLIM also uses swank so we need to start slime using McCLIM's swank.

I feel like this phost went on a bit, so let's leave slime clim to the next one.

* Cached plugd's pgbot 100daystooffloadroll                        :appendix:
| screwtape  | [[gopher://tilde.club/1/~screwtape/synthember-100days-tooffload/]] |
| matto      | [[gopher://box.matto.nl]]                                          |
| _82mhz     | [[https://82mhz.net]]                                              |
| plugd      | [[gopher://thelambdalab.xyz/1phlog/]]                              |
| x1v        | [[gopher://rawtext.club/1/~xiu/phlog/]]                            |
| szczezuja  | [[gopher://gopher.club:70/1/users/szczezuja/personal/]]            |
| prahou     | [[gopher://triapul.cz/1/phlog]]                                    |
| pi31415    | [[gopher://tilde.pink/1/~bencollver/log/]]                         |
| damarusama | [[gopher://gopher.club/1/users/gef/]]                              |
* Also cat and jns and pkw and screwtape
| [[gopher://baud.baby]]            | [[gopher://embryonic.church]]               |
| [[gopher://gopher.linkerror.com]] | [[gopher://gopher.club/1/users/jns/]]       |
| [[gopher://g.d34d.net/1/~pkw/]]   | gopher://gopher.club/1/users/screwtape/ |