Synthember 4th 2023 And also100 days to offload day 4 2023 年9.4日 关于一些写作挑战 Today’s track was made by two people, so it has two concurrent sounds. 今天的电子音乐由两个人制作完成,所以它同时有两个声音组成. There are some bugs in the GUI program including the ramp off. 在GUI 项目里有一些bugs. However, we discovered that changing the volume interactively by interrupting the process and resuming it in lisp was very powerful. 但是,我们发现可以通过强大的lisp 计算机语言去改变交互音量. 谢谢阅读 作者:tfw & unk PS: 请给我们一些建议和评价,如果有任何问题,欢迎大家在下面的link里回复我们!