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17th Jan 2021

I've bought a z80-based computer kit

Yes! That's right, I bought a z80 computer!
The system in question is an RC2014 Classic II

The RC2014 was created for a Retro Challenge in 2014
by Spencer Owen, who has become a pretty big name
within the retro hobbyist community.

The standard base kit has 32k of memory,
MS BASIC as standard, pageable ROM, and thats
about it!

My plan for once constructing the base kit is to
fit a CP/M module and WiFi card. A larger
backplane may be needed, as a soundcard and
possible arithmatic module, maybe even a
CPU upgrade. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

My hope is once I have some experience with
building kits and soldering, I will be closer
to achieving my long held goal of building my
own Altair 8800c (a rough outline for a modern
Altair 8800 made with reproduction parts stil
utilizing the original S-100 bus.)

I hope to setup a Pixelfed account so I can
start linking to images here.

More info soon!


RC2014 Classic II:

Altair 8800c:

NOTE: If the URL shortener  is crap, just google the kit as a
search term. Spencer's Tindie store should be the
first result.