On 23 February 2006, I spoke to a standing-room only crowd at Candidas World of
Books in Washington, DC.  Well over 40 people stopped in to buy an autographed
copy of Moon Handbooks: Nicaragua, and to hear my thoughts on political
stability, hot travel destinations, and the ins and outs of traveling in
Nicaragua.  We also talked briefly about Josh's and my upcoming guide for
expats, Living Abroad in Nicaragua.

It was astonishing to see how much attention Nicaragua is really earning these
days.  Back in 1998 when I first traveled there Nicaragua was very much off the
radar screen.  Things have changed remarkably since then!

Candida's World of Books is what book stores looked like before they went
corporate: intimate, well stocked with a careful selection of hand-picked
titles, and an owner who is passionate about her clients.

Directions to Candida's World of Books. 

Postscript: Sometime around 2007 or 2008, Candida's succumbed to the changing
market for book buyers -- a loss for all of us, I'm sure.