ID: c072e3dc-eb77-43d3-bb6a-8aae9c5d231e
Title: Status update - July 2021
Authors: Nova[有線魔女] <>
Date: 2021-07-01T09:01:10-00:00
Topics: Life

Another month has started, things also tend to change. 

I'm feeling really weird that my distant relatives are visiting me once a day ever since I almost died for the second time, what the hell. [Update 2021-07-17: that is not happening anymore]

I renamed one of this blog post's name to "My takes on development platforms" given that it is not just limited to GitHub and GitLab.

Even though, I've made new friends on the Wired, also still reading that sysadmin handbook , I'm on chapter 9 as of yet on that ebook, and many other stuff. 

Also since yesterday I'm on a site called , which is a fork of the site by Baobab because PTIO is literally a joke. We're probably going to fix all of this mess made by them. 

Other than that, I'd maybe update this post whenever I find something interesting, I don't know.


I'm trying to keep this git repository up-to-date but I sometimes fail at that :
I also got sort of interested on as of late, but I'd to have yet to see how does it work.

In the background, I've also made a wiki, on one of my many sites on
It's powered by the same software as this blog. Only available on HTTP land (as of yet)