# Voice Control
## 2019-09-20 10:18

The  new Voice  Control  features in  iOS  13 are  quite

The various ways of interacting with apps and the OS are
useful--especially if, like me, you have trouble holding
an  iPhone, let  alone  swiping  and tapping--but  Voice
Control  really shines  when it  comes to  dictating and
editing text.

Essentially, using Voice Control with text is like using
a verbal version  of Vim. It's modal, so  you can witter
away in Dictation  Mode, then switch to  Command Mode to
knock your text into shape. It works with what Vim calls
'text  objects'--words, sentences  and paragraphs,  &c..
And  commands like  'Select  next  three paragraphs'  or
'Move  forward seven  words' are  unlike anything  you'd
find in a GUI word processor, but have exact equivalents
in Vim.

Even if  you don't have health  problems or disabilities
that  make  using  an  iPhone  or  iPad  difficult,  I'd
recommend taking Voice Control for a spin. Its VUI beats
the GUI hands down in some areas, from simple stuff like
selecting, copying and pasting text to those complicated
triple finger swipes that are impossible to get right.

It's  hard to  get across  how well  the thing  works in
writing, see Apple's introductory videos[1] [2] for more

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqoXFCCTfm4
[2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-ykg3jZ9_k