Old Computer Challange 2024, Day 3

  Today something I ordered on the weekend arrived a bit sooner than
  expected: A spindle of CD-Rs.
  It's a bit weird that I had to order this. I would've assumed that a
  lot of the systems where I installed from CDROM could also boot from
  USB, but apparently that wasn't the case.
  It's also a bit frightening that those systems from the mid 2000's
  are now #retrocomputing, I mean, that's only a mere... Oh geeze...
  I've got a few more things on order, while we're talking about it:
1 Small power adapter so that my Pentium III tower can have both a
  floppy drive and a compact flash to IDE adapter running at the same
  time. I had one, but that didn't fit the molex pin at all...
2 PCI USB and SATA card. Let's see if that works on either the Pentium
  III or the old HP Transmeta Crusoe based thin clients.
3 A msata card for a Fujitsu thin client that I want to use as a small
  NAS and proxy server.
  I really hope that I can commit to staying with OS X 10.3 "Panther",
  as it seems that *a lot* of software really started with its
  successor 10.4 "Tiger".
  Notational Velocity is so old, it still doesn't have an option of
  storing each note as a separate text file. I can't even get the old
  Taskpaper TODO list app to run. OmniOutliner 3 does run, but I'm not
  going to buy a license for this old version, if that's even possible.
  I did install XCode 1.5, and a copy of the old Apple Works. It still
  looks a lot like a Mac Classic application, but it has very low
  memory requirement.
  Heck, this system even has a copy of Garageband already available,
  maybe I'll do a quick "synthwave" song with this during my OCC stint.
  What I didn't quite get to work yet is a half-way decent browser.
  Safari fails at SSL, I couldn't get the Camino version working that's
  supposed to be the last for 10.3.9, and downloading some other
  options wasn't as easy. I'll work on this a bit tomorrow.
  As for Tcl/Tk, I've installed a "batteries included" version which
  takes up all of 4.2 megs. I'm working through some exercises again,
  it's been a while since I was fluent in the UI aspects of this.
  Not a lot else to say for today. I used my phone a bit too much for
  browsing news, I guess even a working lynx would've saved me from
  this. I'll probably just use the one on the proxy device. It's
  cheating a bit, but so is the iPhone...