A lot has been going on over the last couple of weeks. Every so often I get to explore more of what's going on in the tildeverse, and it's keeping me interested. I've set up a little gopher hole with nothing much to show in it, except for these very posts, and I started a little html page. I've installed Lagrange on the home system and have enjoyed exploring gemini space a bit. I'm not seeing much in the community about any active projects really, and I wonder if I'm just looking in the wrong places. After learning about ttbp I also discovered bbj, and made an intro reply there. I know I missed the heyday of this place, and I imagine most other current users are doing stuff sorta like I am, just exploring what's here. People have done a lot of cool stuff, it's just so quiet now. I am definitely in the mood for a project of some sort, but darn if I can find the inspiration for what it oughtta be. Nerd world problems, I guess.