TITLE: Automate CSV typesetting for plot data sheets
DATE: 2020-01-20
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

I am preparing for fieldwork right now. I’ll be measuring trees in a
number of one hectare plots. The trees in these plots have already
been measured in the past so there is a large dataset in .csv format
that I can use to help with the remeasurements.

In the past I would have printed this dataset using Excel, which
means playing around with the annoying “Set Print Area” options and
then battling with the Print dialog to get the options I need. This
time I decided to use a combination of R and LaTeX tied together
with a shell script to accomplish the same thing. Although it took
me longer this time, I’ll have the same workflow for next time which
should make things a lot quicker in the long term.

I used R to format the data with the columns I wanted and then
export the original dataset as a list of .csv files, one for each

Then I wrote a template LaTeX file which can be fed a .csv file to
render it as a table which spans multiple pages:







    begin table=\begin{longtable},
    end table=\end{longtable},
    col sep=comma,
    ignore chars={"},
    every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\endhead\bottomrule},
    every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule},
    display columns/0/.style={string type, column name={\textbf{Plotcode}}},
    display columns/1/.style={string type, column name={\textbf{Plot ID}}},
    display columns/2/.style={string type, column name={\textbf{Stem}}},
    display columns/3/.style={string type, column name={\textbf{Tree}}},
    display columns/4/.style={string type, column name={\textbf{Species}}},
    display columns/5/.style={string type, column name={\textbf{DBH}}},
    display columns/6/.style={string type, column name={\textbf{POM}}},
    display columns/7/.style={string type, column name={\textbf{Alive}}}


The pgfplotstable package allows me to pull in a csv file and render
it as a table. In this case a longtable which can span multiple
pages. I set the format and column name for each column with the
display columns... lines and ensure that the header row appears at
the start of every new page using the every head... and
every last... lines. \input{filename_var.tex} sources a .tex file
which provides the variables \file and \name, which give the full
file name, and the file name without extension for the given .csv

I used a shell script to generate filename_var.tex and run pdflatex
to render a .pdf for each of the .csv files:


    for i in plot_data_sheets/*.csv ; do
        file=$(basename -- "$i")

        printf '%s\n' "\\newcommand{\\name}{$name}" "\\newcommand{\\file}{$file}" > filename_var.tex

        pdflatex --jobname="plot_data_sheets/$name" table_ex
        pdflatex --jobname="plot_data_sheets/$name" table_ex

        rm plot_data_sheets/*.aux
        rm plot_data_sheets/*.log

The .pdf files created at the end look like this:


A .pdf version can be [downloaded here].

  [downloaded here]: https://johngodlee.github.io/files/latex_csv/render.pdf