TITLE: Workflow for writing an academic paper
DATE: 2019-12-20
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

I’ve been writing a couple of papers simulateously recently and so
I’ve had some practice in managing the writing process. I do
analyses mostly in R with some small bits of data cleaning on the
command line with gdal or text manipulation utilities like sed, grep
and awk. I write the paper with LaTeX.

I was inspired by [this British Ecological Society guide] which
came out a couple of years ago.

  [this British Ecological Society guide]: https://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/guide-to-reproducible-code.pdf

I keep a Git repository for each paper I’m writing. This repository
contains all the data, scripts, and notes for that paper. The basic
directory structure looks like this, with some minor changes when a
particular project demands it:

    ├── README.md 
    ├── build.sh
    ├── output.log 
    ├── notes/
    ├── data/
    ├── img/
    ├── include/
    ├── scripts/
    └── manuscript/
        ├── img/
        └── include/

The README.md contains a short description of the project and also a
description of the directory structure, with descriptions of data
files and the purpose of each script. This skeleton for the
README.md can be copied between projects with minor changes.

notes/ contains multiple text files with notes on the project,
notably a record of what was accomplished during each session in a
file called journal.md.

data/ contains all the data for the project. Shapefiles are kept in
their own folder due to them actually being a collection of multiple

img/ contains all the images created during analysis. These images
are later copied to manuscript/img/ for use in the manuscript.

include/ contains non-image outputs created during analysis, this
might be tables, individual statistics. These files are then copied
to manuscript/include/ for use in the manuscript.

scripts/ contains all the scripts used during analysis, mostly R
scripts and shell scripts.

build.sh is an executable shell script which runs all the analysis
scripts, copies images and other items to the manuscript directory,
and finally compiles the paper. The stdout and stderr of build.sh
gets dumped into output.log, which I can then read to determine if
everything compiled properly.

Below is an example of build.sh:



    # Run data compilation
    Rscript scripts/data_clean.R
    Rscript scripts/analysis.R

    # Transfer images to manuscript
    cp img/map.pdf $IMG
    cp img/barplot.pdf $IMG

    # Transfer snippets to manuscript
    cp include/n_plots.tex $INC
    cp include/n_outliers.tex $INC
    cp include/hull_cover.tex $INC

    # Transfer tables to manuscript
    cp include/model_fit.tex $INC

    # Edit tables
    ## model_fit.tex
    sed -i 's/\$//g' "${INC}model_fit.tex"
    sed -i 's/caption{}/caption{Model fit statistics for linear regression}/g' "${INC}model_fit.tex" 

    # Compile 
    latexmk manuscript/manuscript.tex
    latexmk -C

    } > output.log 2>&1

First I define some variables that I reuse when I’m moving images
and tables, then I run each R script in the right order, then I
transfer images, snippets and tables to the manuscript directory and
edit some of the snippets and tables if I need to. Finally it
compiles the LaTeX document using latexmk. All of the paths in
build.sh are defined relative to the root of the project directory,
to make the project portable between machines. The commands in the
scripts are wrapped in { ... } > output.log 2>&1. This redirects all
the output from the commands (stderr and stdout) to a file called

I generate snippets with useful numerical statistics that I can
insert into my LaTeX document, so if they change over the course of
the analyses the values automatically update. For example, if I want
to know the number of plots in my dataset:

    n_plots <- sum(rowSums(df))

    fileConn <- file(paste0("include/stats.tex"))
        paste0("\\newcommand{\\nplots}{", n_plots, "}"),

This defines a LaTeX variable called \nplots{} which returns the
value of n_plots and writes it to a .tex file. In LaTeX I can just
include stats.tex with \input{include/stats.tex} and then call the
variable in text with we measured \nplots{} plots.

I generate tables with the {stargazer} package from dataframes in R.

    fileConn <- file("include/model_fit.tex")
      summary = FALSE,
      label = "model_fit", digit.separate = 0, rownames = FALSE), fileConn)

These tables often need to be adjusted quite a lot, which I do
mainly with sed in build.sh. I cna change the column headers, add a
caption, adjust digit rounding and adjust the tbale formatting if I
need to. Doing all this on the command line is easier than doing it
through stargazer with R.

As a side note I have a simple function to reformat p values from
statistical tests so they look sensible for publication:

    p_format <- function(p){
      case_when(p < 0.01 ~ paste0("p <0.01"),
        p < 0.05 ~ paste0("p <0.05"),
        TRUE ~ paste0("p = ", round(p, digits = 2)))

As always, the issue I have with this setup is that no matter how
thorough I try to be with my explanation of the setup, some people
just aren’t familiar with the tools used, notably shell scripting
and LaTeX. For the LaTeX issue one thing I can do is to convert the
document to a word document with something like pandoc, but this has
problems. The question has been asked many times and there are loads
of options, it’s messy:

-   [Workflow for converting LaTeX into Open Office / MS Word
-   [conversion - From .tex to .doc format. Is it possible?]
-   [compiling - Is possible to compile a .tex document in .doc or
    .docx? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange]

  [Workflow for converting LaTeX into Open Office / MS Word Format]:
  [conversion - From .tex to .doc format. Is it possible?]: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/91040/from-tex-to-doc-format-is-it-possible
  [compiling - Is possible to compile a .tex document in .doc or .docx? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange]: