TITLE: Shell script to get wifi password in macOS
DATE: 2019-11-05
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

macOS uses the BSD security command to access information from the
system keychain. With this command you can access all the same
information which is normally stored in Keychain Access.app and
more. I wrote a script which prints the WiFi password for either the
current network, or a specified network to the terminal. This was
mostly an exercise for me to learn how getopts works.

The script is below:


    ssid=$(/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | grep " SSID:" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}')

    while getopts ":n:" opt; do
        case $opt in 
                # If flag is given with argument
                # If incorrect flag given
                echo "-$OPTARG is not a valid option" >&2
                exit 1
                # If flag is given without argument
                echo "-$OPTARG requires an argument" >&2
                exit 1

    security find-generic-password -wga "$ssid"

If I run ./wifi.sh -n SSID the script will look for a network with
the SSID SSID then return its password. If I run ./wifi.sh -n I will
get the response: -n requires an argument. If I run ./wifi.sh -a I
will get the response: -a is not a valid option. If I run ./wifi.sh
I will get the password for the WiFi network I am currently attached