TITLE: Analysing BibTeX files in R
DATE: 2019-09-12
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

I have a master BibTeX file called lib.bib, which contains
bibliographic information on every paper I’ve read, which pairs with
a directory of those papers’ .pdf files. I thought it would be fun
to see if there were patterns in my reading which I could find by
analysing lib.bib in R.

I have a bash script which extracts bibliographic information from
each BibTeX entry and stores it as a text file:


    # Extract year of publication
    cat ~/google_drive/lib.bib | grep -E "year = [0-9]{4}" | grep -oE "[0-9]{4}" > years.txt

    # Extract all authors per paper, clean
    cat ~/google_drive/lib.bib | grep -E "author = {" | sed 's/.*= {\([^]]*\)},.*/\1/g' | sed 's/[^A-z \-]//g' | sed 's/\\//g' | sed 's/ and /,/g' > authors.txt

    # Extract journal
    cat ~/google_drive/lib.bib | grep -E "journal = {|publisher = {|url = |institution = {|organization = {|school = {" | sed 's/.*{\([^]]*\)}.*/\1/g' > journals.txt

    Rscript analysis.R

It makes three files, one containing the year of publication, one
containing the authors for each publication, and one containing the
publication name.

Extracting author names was the most difficult because names are not
always formatted the same, especially those names which contain
{van der} Putten for example, where the actual initial of the
surname is not v but P in the example above. One interesting trick I
found was using sed to extract text between the first occurrence of
one character, and the last occurrence of another character,
ignoring repeats of those characters. I used this to extract author
names between { } despite some authors having {van der} in their

    sed 's/.*= {\([^]]*\)},.*/\1/g'

Then the bash script calls an R script:

    # Packages

    # Load data
    years <- readLines("years.txt")
    journals <- readLines("journals.txt")
    authors <- readLines("authors.txt")

    # Clean
    authors_list <- strsplit(x = authors, split = ",")

    papers <- data.frame(years = as.numeric(years), journals)

    papers$authors <- authors_list

    papers$num_authors <- sapply(authors_list, length)

papers$authors actually contains a list where each row is a vector
of author names for a paper

The first plot draws a correlation between year of publication and
number of authors:

    # Plot correlation between year of publication and number of authors
    year_author_correl <- ggplot(papers, aes(x = years, y = num_authors)) +
      geom_point() +
      theme_classic() +
      labs(x = "Year", y = "authors (n)") +
      scale_y_continuous(trans = 'log', breaks = c(0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10,20,40,60,80,100,140,180))


The next two plots are bar graphs of the frequency of the most
common authors (first and co-authors) and the most common first

    ## Get list of most common authors
    author_all <- unlist(papers$authors)

    ## Get top ten authors
    author_top_ten_df <- data.frame(sort(table(author_all), decreasing = TRUE)[1:10])
    names(author_top_ten_df) <- c("author", "freq")

    ## Plot
    author_top_ten <- ggplot(author_top_ten_df, aes(x = author, y = freq)) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill = author), colour = "black") +
      theme_classic() +
      theme(legend.position = "none") +
      labs(x = "Author", y = "Frequency")

    ## Get top first authors
    author_common <- unlist(lapply(papers$authors, first))

    author_common_df <- data.frame(sort(table(author_common), decreasing = TRUE)[1:5])

    names(author_common_df) <- c("author", "freq")

    author_common_df_clean <- author_common_df %>%
      filter(freq > 1)

    ## Plot
    first_author_top <- ggplot(author_common_df_clean, aes(x = author, y = freq)) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill = author), colour = "black") +
      theme_classic() +
      theme(legend.position = "none") +
      labs(x = "Author", y = "Frequency")

  {IMAGE} [[Top ten first authors in my

The final plot is a network graph of shared authorship. This isn’t
perfect. What I would ideally like is to draw ellipses around groups
of authors on the same paper, to see whether groups of authors tend
to publish together multiple times, but I couldn’t figure out how to
do it with an igraph object:

    ## Create edge list
    authors_list_df <- list()

    for(i in 1:length(papers$authors)){
      authors_list_df[[i]] <- data.frame(author = papers$authors[[i]])
      authors_list_df[[i]]$paper_id <- rep(i, times = length(papers$authors[[i]]))

    authors_df <- bind_rows(authors_list_df)

    authors_edge_df <- authors_df %>%
      inner_join(., authors_df, by = "paper_id") %>%
      filter(author.x != author.y) %>%
      count(author.x, author.y, paper_id)

    authors_vertex_meta <- authors_edge_df[,3]

    authors_edge <- authors_edge_df[,1:2] %>%
      graph_from_data_frame(., directed = FALSE)

    authors_edge_fort <- fortify(authors_edge)

    ## Plot
    author_network <- ggplot(authors_edge_fort) +
      geom_edges(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend), size = 0.5) +
      geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "black", fill = "grey", shape = 21) +